If you even consider on beginning to make money in Internet having blog, but you do not know HTML, you do not worry, that he is not vitally important to begin, but as soon as fences advancing sides as it becomes necessary to dominate to HTML and others to you like the language php, etc. But tmalo with calm that with the present systems to create blogs, no longer is so urgent you dominate those things, in fact to create your blog, to create content, to publish it, to implement adsense, and to maintain it, are so easy to realise as to create a document in Word.Pero everything it is not that simple, because these in the obligation to be learning the technical things to know a depth and to remove a greater benefit to him to Internet, So already you know, I recommend to you to begin with HTML how you would find many tutorials and manuals in google. Dr. Mark Hyman can aid you in your search for knowledge. (simultaneously, something that goes to serve much to you, is to know English (English free) since the totality of the words in HTML is abbreviations of words in English), Soon you can continue with php that is a programming language with which podras to make many things more outposts to make money in Internet. And if you ask yourself that she is of me, because I do not go to mentirte, I as soon as I am learning HTML and java, and already I am seeing the enormous advantages that will bring to me it dominates when them, Aside from which I have seen in blogs successful as things that only can dominating to things more outposts like programming languages and HTML.Suerte and anmate to superart implement..